Monday, August 17, 2009

Apollo Ushers in a New Day

Here is Apollo ushering in a new day. His face is the sun, and his Pegasus like horses bring up the sun or himself over the horizon. Notice the rays around his head.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Coat of Arms

This is the Coat of Arms from the original Italian town. Terra Del Sole was a town that was founded buy Cosmio Medici. There is belief that the original town under it was a "Sole" town that the Etruscans founded before the Italians.

There have been many towns throughout history as "Sole" cities. Heliopolis was the city in Ancient Egypt, and throughout history the sun and theme has been utilized.

The sun burns a special place in my heart too, and it is our plan that our little place under the sun will be named Terra Del Sole to honor our Italian ancestors, and preserve our heritage here in the United States.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Louis XIV

Here is another image of Louis XIV depicting himself as a sun king. Here we not only see that he has presented himself as a celestial body, but one in which it almost holy. He has angelic figures turning their little heads because HE is so glorious. WOW! What an EGO!